Fiona apple photo - Fiona Apple Breaks Down After Being Heckled Over Her Appearance

Apple photo fiona A Look

Apple photo fiona Fiona Apple's

Apple photo fiona The Star

Fiona Apple’s Freak Appeal

Apple photo fiona The Star

Apple photo fiona A Look

Apple photo fiona A Look

Apple photo fiona Yahoo fait

Apple photo fiona Fiona Apple

Apple photo fiona Fiona Apple’s

Apple photo fiona Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple's Minimalist Ensemble Is So Good It's 'Criminal' (PHOTO)

Apple announced performances at the Festival and soon after.

  • In 2008, he received probation after he was found drunk outside a Riverside County restaurant.

  • Apple was classically trained on piano as a child, and began composing her own pieces by the age of eight.

Her eyes, in all the photographs taken of her, were fixed and intense, like other unhappy girls I knew at the time.

  • It's a line that 's character says while investigating a crime scene where a woman was tortured.

  • Thankfully, the time is ripe for a Fiona Apple style revival.