Lena the plug bj - YouTube star lets best friend ‘try out her boyfriend’s penis’

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

YouTube star lets best friend ‘try out her boyfriend’s penis’

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

YouTube star lets best friend ‘try out her boyfriend’s penis’

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

YouTube star lets best friend ‘try out her boyfriend’s penis’

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

YouTube star lets best friend ‘try out her boyfriend’s penis’

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

Bj plug lena the YouTube star

Bj plug lena the YouTube star


  • After the girls had sex with him — off camera — the threesome discussed their antics in X-rated detail.

  • Earlier this year, Lena caused a stir when she if she got 1 million subscribers.

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