Marvin antm 20 - Are Marvin and Renee From 'ANTM' Still Together? Details on the Couple

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Jourdan Miller

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20 marvin antm 20 Cycles

Jourdan Miller

20 marvin antm Jourdan Miller

20 Cycles of ANTM: Who Won vs. Who Should Have Won

20 marvin antm Netflix: America's

20 marvin antm America's Next

20 marvin antm Where is

20 Cycles of ANTM: Who Won vs. Who Should Have Won


  • She's actually from Philadelphia as well, and she's is stunning.

  • When the show was encouraging me to talk about my feelings, there was 20 years of pent-up emotion.

We live in a world where we put ourselves out there, and we are basically exhibitionists.

  • Do you feel the same? I don't know why you'd ask that question.

  • She was likable and could model.