Swg secrets of the syren - Any new preCU servers on the horizon? Need a tester? : swg

Of the syren swg secrets SWG Legends's

Of the syren swg secrets Kupyi's Guide

Of the syren swg secrets Secrets of

Completely new player : swg

Of the syren swg secrets The way

Of the syren swg secrets SWG Legends

Kupyi's Guide to SWG Dungeons

Of the syren swg secrets SWG Legends

Of the syren swg secrets Kupyi's Guide

Of the syren swg secrets The way

Streaming off and on today 😜 : swg

Of the syren swg secrets Publish 19

Of the syren swg secrets SWG Legends's


  • We've got the drinks, the sunshine and the fireworks.

  • You can select which elements you want to view waypoints, creatures, labels, buildings , and you can also change the opacity of the map.

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