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Mary seemed to have been very accepting of the situation with the king, and did not press him to give her land, money, or a title.

  • They went for the goofy dialogue approach and have attempted to interweave toilet humour with some cool deaths and a whodunit storyline.

  • By 1546 Mary had married her cousin Sir Anthony Heveningham 1507—1557 by whom she had five children, including Arthur Heveningham, and her youngest daughter, Abigail wife of Sir George Digby of , who was later in attendance on in 1588.

Mary became engaged to Thomas Clere the poet and her first cousin through their mothers; however, he died soon after their engagement, leaving Mary his lands in his will.

  • Her father, John Shelton 1472 — 21 December 1539 , was the son of and.

  • She had the good fortune to meet her future husband, David Zelina, on the set of one of those films Sasquatch Hunters.