Wendy, wearing a ribbed-pattern sweater, in a press photo taken outside on the street around 1972, when she seemed to be doing most of her work for the London Weekend television production company.
While the efforts of certain actors like Kevin Bacon, Ewan McGregor and Michael Fassbender may go some way to redress the balance, the fact remains that female nudity is far more commonplace in the movies than male nudity, and it's almost a foregone conclusion that most actresses will at least once or twice in their career take a role which sees them appear naked, or at least partially so.
Can you find the other six similar photos on this page? Judging from the microphone visible at the bottom of the picture, it may be from her appearance on Dutch television about that time.
Circumstances, photographer, and date are unknown, but your webmeister estimates it as late 1980s or very early 1990s.
A high-spirited Wendy is caught at an evening event, sometime in late 2002.
British actress looks on as Inman appears to be helping Wendy refasten or reset her hairstyle.