Woodman dp casting - Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Casting woodman dp Student Alyssa

Student Alyssa Funke shoots herself dead after dabbling in amateur porn

Attempts to contact the site have so far been unsuccessful.

  • Alyssa like so many other teens was a victim of bully and sadly the bullying lead to her death.

  • Days after the sex tape of the teenager, from Stillwater, Minnesota, was posted online in March, abusive messages flooded her social media accounts, many from her former schoolmates at Stillwater High.


  • One called Miss Funke a 'thot', a slang word for prostitute, adding: 'Does her dad know? High school students had reportedly gathered around tables in the cafeteria to watch the teen's sex tape on their cellphones, according to.

  • Her biological father Rashad Bowman was jailed in 2001 for fraud in Maricopa County, Arizona.

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