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  • Hogan has advertized for a lot of stuff, but this picture showing him advertising pasta is just hilarious.

  • .

It makes her real-life character look bad and could hamper the reputation of the whole family as it shows the questionable character of Brooke and how low she was willing to go to make it in the wrestling industry.

  • What many might not remember about The Hulkster is that he actually wore head gear at some point, as shown in this picture of him wearing a helmet for protection?! Even Linda Hogan, who was a supportive wife when Hulk was flying high, got arrested in 2012 for drinking under the influence and this mugshot of her looking absolutely horrible is something which the Hogan family definitely wouldn't want the fans to look at.

  • This picture of Hulk rubbing Brooke's leg and upper sides of it only goes onto show how bizarre their relationship really is, as the Hulkster can be seen quite avidly rubbing Brooke who is only wearing some inner-wear.