Dahdahdakota dr phil - Mom Claims Teen Daughter Is 'A Disrespectful Brat'

Phil dahdahdakota dr overview for

Mom Claims Teen Daughter Is 'A Disrespectful Brat'

Phil dahdahdakota dr Mom Claims

Phil dahdahdakota dr overview for

Phil dahdahdakota dr overview for

Phil dahdahdakota dr overview for

Mom Claims Teen Daughter Is 'A Disrespectful Brat'

Phil dahdahdakota dr Mom Claims

Phil dahdahdakota dr overview for

Phil dahdahdakota dr overview for

Phil dahdahdakota dr Mom Claims

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Phil dahdahdakota dr Mom Claims

She says she acts out now because Dakota claims growing up, her mother, Cydney, and father, John, were drug addicts who The 16-year-old, who currently faces two misdemeanor charges that could send her to juvenile detention, admits to smoking marijuana every day, skipping school, and doing what she wants — when she wants.

  • .

  • Phil recommend to helpheal their relationship? This episode airs Find out where you can watch.

When the idea of returning to family therapy is brought up, Dakota rejects the idea, then mocks both her mother and Dr.

  • It was Dakota, not Cydney, who reached out to Dr.

  • She says she and her mother are both trying to work things out.

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