Itunes wish list gone - Is the App Store wishlist feature gone with the iOS 11 update? : iosgaming

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iTunes Wish List is empty : mac

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itunes store wish list gone? : appletv

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Looking for Your App Store Wish List in iOS 11? We Have Some Bad News Ā« iOS & iPhone :: Gadget Hacks

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In other words, the Wish List only shows the most recent 32 tracks in your Wish List.

  • But how can you access your Wish List in? You can now view it, deleted it, check for discounts, etc.

  • Now, update the Wishupon app and surprise your friends and family.

How can I get them back? At the end of the day, there's no built-in Wish List in the App Store anymore, so it's up to you to decide how you want to catalog the apps you want to purchase later.

  • Go to any main store page Music, Movies, Apps, etc.

  • Read our for details on posting, moderation, suggestions to developers and more.