The groose is loose - Wii

Groose is loose the Zelda: Skyward

Redbubble logo

Groose is loose the Wii

Groose is loose the Groose is

Groose is loose the Caption Contest

the groose is loose : DragonsDogma

Groose is loose the Groose's Theme

Groose is Loose

Groose is loose the Zelda: Skyward

Zelda: Skyward Sword headed to Nintendo Switch •

Groose is loose the Redbubble logo

Groose is loose the Stream The

The Groose is Loose

Groose is loose the Groose is

Groose is loose the The Groose


Report infractions and move on.

  • .

  • Wrex dies because he's an idiot too, as does Legion if you side with the Quarians.

Thane died to save the Salarian councillor.

  • Groose is quite frankly the best and most well-formed supporting character the Zelda franchise has ever had.

  • Discussion posts are still welcome any day of the week.