Jane adams images - ECC

Adams images jane ECC

Adams images jane Lighthouse in

Adams images jane ECC

Adams images jane Cool images

Adams images jane ECC

Adams images jane Jane Addams


Adams images jane portraits of

Adams images jane Cool images

Adams images jane ECC

Adams images jane portraits of

Lighthouse in Kettles Yard

Addams's influential writings and speeches, on behalf of the formation of the and as a peace advocate, influenced the later shape of the.

  • Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2007 21 2 : 133——141.

  • They doubled as community arts centers and social service facilities.

Addams damned war as a cataclysm that undermined human kindness, solidarity, and civic friendship, and caused families across the world to struggle.

  • In 1863, when Addams was two years old, her mother, Sarah Addams Weber , died while pregnant with her ninth child.

  • Some Newspapers and Newspaper-Men, New York: Knopf, 1923 pp.

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