Stay with me x art - Barbara Kruger’s ‘THINKING OF YOU’ at the Art Institute: Her words surround you, make you wince, stay with you

Me x with art stay Barbara Kruger’s

stay with me (art by shidodraws on deviantart) : DDLC

Me x with art stay Stay with

Me x with art stay Stay with

stay with me (art by shidodraws on deviantart) : DDLC

Me x with art stay stay with

Me x with art stay Barbara Kruger’s

Me x with art stay Barbara Kruger’s

Me x with art stay Stay with

'Stay with Me’ — Oko Art

Me x with art stay 'Stay with

Me x with art stay Barbara Kruger’s

Me x with art stay 'Stay with

Before you imagine a dreary, finger-wagging show in which sedate reading replaces sensuous looking, know that this is no ordinary retrospective.

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