Lauren van camp - Van Camp Lauren, PhD Student — Faculty of Social Sciences

Camp lauren van Obituary: Laurie

Camp lauren van Obituary: Laurie

Camp lauren van Obituary: Laurie

Camp lauren van Obituary: Laurie

Camp lauren van Net Results:

Net Results: The forgotten Detroit River Ivory Gull

Camp lauren van Net Results:

Camp lauren van Van Camp

Obituary: Laurie E. “Lauren” Van Camp

Camp lauren van Lauren VanCamp

Camp lauren van Lauren VanCamp

Camp lauren van Lauren VanCamp

Nearly 40 years later, an organization of birders was formed to maintain the official state bird checklist, including by determining the acceptability of sightings of birds unusual to the state.

  • To my knowledge, the Detroit River Ivory Gull is the first report of this species in Michigan, and the only record from Wayne County.

  • She was a consummate cook — her dinner parties were legendary, and she once helped cater a dinner for 3,000 in Golden Gate Park.

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  • This short note was published in Michigan Audubon's The Jack-Pine Warbler Vol.

  • It is and has always been written and maintained entirely by Julie Craves.