Michael stokes photos - Photographer Michael Stokes captures amputee war veterans naked

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Michael Stokes phony Vietnam veteran/Mustang : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here

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Photos michael stokes Michael Stokes

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Photos michael stokes Photographer Michael

Photos michael stokes This Artist's

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Photographer Michael Stokes captures amputee war veterans naked

Photos michael stokes Photographer Michael

Photos michael stokes Veterans Day:

Photos michael stokes Photographer Michael

This Artist's Stunning Photos Are Completely Changing the Way We See Injured Veterans

Michael said that he believes that the reason people have responded so positively to the photos is because they focus less on the lost limbs and more on the person's attractiveness.

  • I could never imagine doing something like this.

  • Instead of depicting the former soldiers as sorrowful casualties of war, Stokes aims to present them as sexy, confident and powerful.

There is also a 2016 including the images from Bare Strength.

  • Michael said that he believes that the reason people have responded so positively to the photos is because they focus less on the lost limbs and more on the person's attractiveness.

  • He also left the Reserves, as a lance corporal, a year before he claims that he was working with Mujaheddin in Afghanistan; His excuse? Just want to make sure! I'm not giving them back their confidence.

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